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Nutrition is the pillar of our health. If you don´t eat well you will suffer a hormonal imbalance. Everything you eat directly affects your body's biochemistry and hormones. 

With food, you can activate the "skinny or fat" hormone. Yes, just like you're reading it. We have the hormones that make sure you don't get into these chic jeans, but the good news is that you can turn it on or off with balanced nutrition and correct eating habits. 

Chrishar Hormonal Health Coach will help you learn the right eating habits and accompany you in your process of acquiring these habits. I'll teach you how to avoid toxins in your food, how to combine your food correctly and how to replace unhealthy ingredients in your favourite dishes. I'll prepare a personalized eating plan accompanied by delicious recipes so you can continue to enjoy your food and without torturing yourself with diets with little or no effectiveness.
I will teach you how to use food to keep hormones in balance all month and during all phases of your life whether during pregnancy, premenopause or menopause. 



A Quick-Start Plan:

  • 21 days meal plan with a shopping list

  • 3 emails of following up

  • 1 E-book

  • Price: 47 euros without consultation

  • Price: 60 euros with consultation


Detox plan:

  • Duration: 8 weeks

  • Personalized 30 days detox

  • 30 days meal plan and shopping list

  • 1 E-Book

  • Diary planner

  • 4 consultations

  • 8 emails of following up

  • Price: 297 euros


The Butterfly Plan: 

  • 4-month plan for losing weight, change habits forever and keep up with healthy eating.

  • 31 days Detox plan

  • 12 Content videos and PDF documents

  • Menus, shopping lists, diversity plan, my gut diary

  • 16 consultations

  • Price: 1397 euros




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