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Welcome to ChriShar

Hello and welcome to ChriShar. It is a pleasure to see you here because it seems that you are searching for optimal health. You probably figured out that your body and mind is your responsibility and medicine is not the only answer to optimal health.


Now, who is ChriShar?

Christian and Sharita. We are two very passionate people with different backgrounds, connected with love and the mutual interest in truth, general well-being and personal growth who decided to start this project together.

Who is Sharita?

I am a certified nutritionist and mental coach who specialized in Orthopathy. My hormonal healing journey started ten years ago when I had my burn out, although, my hormonal problems started with my first period at a very early age (by the age of 10). I started to understand what was happing to me when my burn out kicked in. Like it happens to most people, I got punched in my face and all those years of abuse, done by myself to myself and by others, passed me the bill. My body gradually suffered all sorts of symptoms.

The elevated level of stress, my genetic predisposition, bad lifestyle choices and an unbalanced diet, were the main reasons for all that mess.

I had painful periods, lumpy breast, digestive problems, yeast infections, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and lots of other very debilitating symptoms which made me feel like I am not living.

Unfortunately, the medical system did not help and only made everything worst. I have been running from one specialist to another. They were all leaving me with one or more prescription pill which did not solve any of my problems and gave me other symptoms to suffer. The hormonal unbalance was not showing in the standard blood tests results, but I was suffering all those symptoms. I was starting to feel like I am going crazy. Thank God that my instinct and natural resilience didn't let me give in to all that medication.


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I started to investigate, and sure enough, I have found lots of information on hormonal balance and the holistic approach. I made the most important discovery about hormones when I came across Dr J.R. Lee and Dr Sara Gottfried, two incredible medical professionals. Thanks to their long time medical practice and investigation, they concluded that applying the scientific medical knowledge and 1000-year-old alternative medicine knowledge in their treatment of hormonal unbalance, gives the best results. They made me understand how the hormones affect our body and how to keep them in optimal functioning through dietary and lifestyle adjustments. 

I had to learn to listen to my body. I had to learn how to love myself and be in harmony with myself and the external world. My healing journey was full of exploring, learning, experimenting, investigating and accepting.

So, I am here now to pass all that on to you. I am a very passionate person, hungry for knowledge who feels that helping others is the purpose of my life.

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Who is Christian?

He is a professional personal trainer, Muay Thai instructor and passionate about Online Marketing. He has many years of experience as a professional sportsman and businessman. He owned a successful gym for 15 years. He is also the leader of the Muya Thai Team Fabiano.

He has been competing as a professional Muay Thai wrestler and has been preparing professionals to compete.

Due to an injury, which did not allow him to continue his professional career as an athlete, he had to change his life drastically a few years ago, and that led to his pursuit of a new purpose of life and new passions. That's when he discovered online marketing and took on many different courses to educate himself on that subject.

He also has knowledge about physical exercise and how to stay in shape. So he's the one who's going to torture you with his exercise plans and he's making sure you can see us online.

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