MENTAL coach
The definition of health from the Orthopathic point of view says, "health is the absence of any physical or mental symptom”. You can´t ever separate a mind and a body when you try to achieve optimal health.
The human body is a smart machine. Hormones are messengers, which are responsible for the overall balance of your body and your mind. If you are not feeling well emotionally, it will affect your body. If you are not well physically, it will probably give you all sorts of mental and emotional unease or even a mental illness if you suffer it for a long time. That´s why it is crucial to treat hormonal balance from both of those angles.
Chrishar Hormonal Health Coach will provide you with guidance and support to develop a healthy balance in your physical and emotional being. We will teach you to listen to your body and show you how some hormones connect to your emotional state. We will help you to manage difficult symptoms.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: 60 euros