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Are you tired of feeling like you're on top of a Roller coaster but you're not having fun, you're constantly wired but tired, you can't control your cravings, your mood swings, your weight, and on top of it all you can't figure out why your beautiful long hair turned into lifeless dry straw?

Well, you're in the right place. Your hormones are to blame for the crime.

Yes, the little intelligent messengers who are responsible for all the biology in your body. They are very intelligent but annoyingly sensitive to everything. What you eat, how you sleep, how you feel, how you think, where you live and what you do. They're like a bunch of spies constantly watching you and reporting you to different groups of cops who come and punish you if you do something that's not in harmony with your essence.


So where do I get into all this? Well, I'm like your lawyer coming to get you out of jail, but you have to tell me the truth and nothing but the truth. I'll make sure you stay out of jail, but you have to be ready to do some cleaning inside you and around you.

I'll show you how to clean up your act in:

  • The food department.

  • The toxicity department.

  • The physical activity department.

  • The department of the mental scheme and emotional balance.

  • The department of interpersonal relations.


I'll show you who these spies are and how they work so you can, through observation and experimentation, arm yourself with tools that will keep you in balance.


An exciting journey to your better “I”, full of love and happiness. 

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